InfoNews: 7 wonders of nature less known: For an article on places where you can admire the fabulous views of the world came to my mind the first time in pop...

For an article on places where you can admire the fabulousviews of the world came to my mind the first time in populardestinations such as Mount Everest, Niagara Falls, Grand Canyon, the Alps and the famous island of Bora Bora ... but these destinations are not surprise to anyone talk about themall and travel guides are top choices for a long time travelersworldwide. But if we think of how big is this beautiful planet, you must there are other places that are waiting to discovermusterii eager, to admire and photograph them. The article is areview of only a few such places less known and the subject of the most spectacular views in the world is far from beingexhausted.
Erta Ale - Ethiopia
Thirst for knowledge people, passion for exploration anddiscovery, seems to never ends, so the Age of discovery has turned into an incredibly long time, still not final. At this point, the Earth seems to be disclosed secrets, so people do nothave left but to go further, to conquer space. But to reach this point, many adventurers and explorers have faced danger for the sake of knowledge. One of them is British explorer,Ludovico M. Nesbitt, when in 1928, along with two Italians, became the first Europeans to "visit" all the Erta Ale volcano, in a daring excursions which provided a distance ofapproximately 640 km Danakil Depression crossing.

Erta Ale is the language outside the "mountain that smokes"and is actually a set of five volcanoes that form an arc length of80 kilometers. Despite the breathtaking landscapes strangeand colorful games that appear before the eyes, Nesbittremained insensitive, calling the place "a landscape of terror".His reaction can be explained through the harsh conditions thatexplorers had to face it: very high temperatures (about 75 degrees Celsius during the day), a sand so hot that it burnedthrough the soles of boots and, most likely in thinning due towater reserves.

Erta Ale - Ethiopia
Thirst for knowledge people, passion for exploration anddiscovery, seems to never ends, so the Age of discovery has turned into an incredibly long time, still not final. At this point, the Earth seems to be disclosed secrets, so people do nothave left but to go further, to conquer space. But to reach this point, many adventurers and explorers have faced danger for the sake of knowledge. One of them is British explorer,Ludovico M. Nesbitt, when in 1928, along with two Italians, became the first Europeans to "visit" all the Erta Ale volcano, in a daring excursions which provided a distance ofapproximately 640 km Danakil Depression crossing.
Erta Ale is the language outside the "mountain that smokes"and is actually a set of five volcanoes that form an arc length of80 kilometers. Despite the breathtaking landscapes strangeand colorful games that appear before the eyes, Nesbittremained insensitive, calling the place "a landscape of terror".His reaction can be explained through the harsh conditions thatexplorers had to face it: very high temperatures (about 75 degrees Celsius during the day), a sand so hot that it burnedthrough the soles of boots and, most likely in thinning due towater reserves.