Somewhere in the inhospitable desert the creepy and the world is huge-scale natural deposits composed of freshwater, the most precious ingredient in the recipe of Life. Of these deposits depends on the future of many African countries, and not only theirs. The wisdom of us all, depends on maintaining the natural water cycle on Earth. Water is - slowly but surely - the most sought after natural resource.Paleo-water solution for arid future?
Global warming, prolonged drought in many regions of the world and, not least the continued growth of the population on Earth, and also have a decisive impact negatively on the planet's fresh water reserves, water without which life as we know, would be downright impossible.Running water is usually drawn from rivers or lakes are used for full range of human activities, from agriculture and drinking water to all branches of industry. Lakes and streams are, so far, the most accessible and cheap source of water within reach of man.Fresh water, salt water produced from the seas and oceans, is expensive and complex processes of desalination can not yet obtain the optimum amount required for consumption and growing needs of other countries in desert areas, tropical.
But here that rush of water brought to the attention of mankind a relatively new source - and so far ignored - water: water fossil or paleo-water, the language specialists.Paleo-water is actually water that has infiltrated into an aquifer several thousand years ago, in a geological era long past, the phenomenon occurring in climatic and geo-morphological conditions totally different from today.The fossil water can remain in "fossil aquifers," while hundreds of thousands and even millions of years without evaporate or infiltrate. Fossil water is most often the result of a major geological event, like an earthquake, which result in "plugging" in coverage, and somehow even seal the aquifer in question can not be supplied with water from precipitation.Unfortunately, the paleo-water are renewable sources of water, more than obvious reasons. Once closed aquifer was broken by drilling and the water extracted, it can not re-feed, because it is outside the current areas underground water.Water extraction of "fossil aquifers" is known in hydrology as the expression "water mining". If an aquifer water is extracted through a deep pit, with a rate that exceeds the natural recharge (which, if fossil aquifers is practically zero), the walls eventually collapse aquifer, forming a groundwater basin affect aquifers in the area. Studying this phenomenon led to the criminalization of "water mining", which many experts consider it more guilty even of rising sea levels and ocean.However it would be hard to believe, a detailed study conducted by specialists from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands, and published in February this year showed that overexploitation of large fossil aquifers in the world, has increased the volume hydrosphere water and is responsible for increasing one-fourth World Ocean level, from the early twentieth century until today."Great" in the Sahara freshwater
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