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duminică, 19 februarie 2012

Looking to The Year 2100: What Will Happen to Humanity in This Century?

Looking to The Year 2100: What Will Happen to Humanity in This Century?

This year will be seven billion – seven billion human beings will inhabit the planet, using its resources, with or without gratitude, with more or less discrimination, conscious or not their impact on everything that is around. From the biblical admonition "Be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth and subdue it", it was the responsibility today to promptings of the number of children that make them almost hysterical warnings and the need for lower speed with which we multiply. Moving from quantity to quality, not just how we are, but how we are – how people will live, what problems they have, what changes will happen with them – are issues that try to predict, in an attempt to improve what you can improve and prepare for rest.
Looking to the year 2100: what will happen to humanity in this century?

What Will Happen to The Earth's Oceans?

What Will Happen to The Earth's Oceans?

The largest ecosystem on the planet: Ocean Dome. Covers about 71% of the Earth. It was divided by geographers into several oceans and several seas. The main component of Earth’s hydrosphere. Is a key factor in the carbon cycle and oxygen, without which there would be no life as we know. Decisive influence climate and human activities. It is huge, almost unimaginable, with its volume of about 1, three billion cubic kilometers. The house, ideal habitat for about 230,000 species of living creatures and many others discovered that science has not yet got to know. With these data, we can not ask questions about its future, the future Ocean, in the context of exploitation, pollution and all the pressures of humanity against him.

What are Flowers of Love?

What are Flowers of Love?

The idea that February is the month of love is true, but a feeling so strong should not be limited. Need to show that love in every month, day and the risk of exaggeration, every moment of our lives. Love is the purest feeling that we can share with the others and how we do it better, if not by love flowers.

They help us express our feelings and change, showing them the closest to mean everything to us. Flowers of love are many in number, some believing that all flowers can be our messengers, but there are some that are closer to the notion of love. Thus, some can transmit the feeling of pure love, while others indicate another shade of this feeling.
If you want to show them a loved one how much you love but that is a very nice body, you can give them bouquets of orchids . These flowers can be kept in the apartment a long period of time, provided you make sure the temperature in your home.

50 Beautiful Pictures of Flowers - Part One

50 Beautiful Pictures of Flowers - Part One

It is true that spring is not a single flower. That is why I chose 50 photos that appear beautiful field flowers, trees, forest … Is there anybody who has not collected in bunches, not admired them under their feet besides bees or butterfly wings , not broke or bought for loved ones or half in certain times?
Have a beautiful spring, colorful, sun, joy.

Read more: http://beyondjane.com/shopping/50-beautiful-pictures-of-flowers-part-one/#ixzz1mqks3rLI

Care of The Flower of Iris?

Care of The Flower of Iris?

Iris flower is known to us as the iris (popular), but all online florist or your town you will find as "Iris". Meaning of the word is bow, her favorite flower is the goddess of the same name from Greek mythology. People who appreciate the flowers, often express themselves well, are very expressive and assertive in what they do.
Is considered the messenger of love, these flowers symbolize communication and messages and if you choose to take care of them properly, to nurture in the home or garden, they can be in turn, a messenger of wisdom and appreciation from your guests. Iris Flower can house rainbow color, these flowers can be found in shades of blue, purple to pink or orange, and there are copies in black. They bloom in spring (February to May), depending on the subspecies they belong and can be a perfect gift for a loved one, for example, a bouquet of 19 white irises .
Here’s how to care for Iris Flower:
Read more: http://scienceray.com/biology/care-of-the-flower-of-iris/#ixzz1mqiezlFS

Zodiac Flowers

Zodiac Flowers

In principle, zodiac flower is characteristic of women, but by extension, men can find the descriptions here.

Characteristics are obtained zodiac of flowers on his birthday. What flower are you? Read here, then click (above) the name of a flower to find the description of each.

Sunflower : people born in the days 1, 10, 19, 28

peony 2

Peony : people born in the days: 2, 11, 20, 29

Shoe-lady : people born in the days: 3, 12, 21, 30

Read more: http://scienceray.com/biology/zodiac-flowers/#ixzz1mpUPJaEc

A New Wave of Stranded Dolphins, This Time in Peru. What Could be The Cause? (Video)

A New Wave of Stranded Dolphins, This Time in Peru. What Could be The Cause? (Video)

On a beach in Peru have recently failed a total of 177 cetaceans species common dolphin (Delphinus delphis), of which 124 copies, unfortunately, could not be saved. In trying to understand the causes of the phenomenon, researchers reviewed the possible reasons for these marine mammals began to fail more frequently on various beaches around the world.
A new wave of stranded dolphins, this time in Peru.  What could be the cause?  (VIDEO)
Read more: http://scienceray.com/biology/zoology/a-new-wave-of-stranded-dolphins-this-time-in-peru-what-could-be-the-cause-video/#ixzz1movS36ON

Is This The Only Pink Dolphin on Earth? (Video)

Is This The Only Pink Dolphin on Earth? (Video)

The first photographs of a single specimen of pink dolphins were recently offered by the U.S. press boat captain Erik Rue, an admirer of intelligences with old marine mammals.
Is this the only pink dolphin on Earth?

When Rue identified for the first time the surprising animal, he was swimming in the channel southwest U.S. Calcasieu, in the company of four other dolphins. Erik Rue suspected that one of them was even curious specimen mother, not because he lost no time in care.

Read more: http://trifter.com/practical-travel/is-this-the-only-pink-dolphin-on-earth-video/#ixzz1mosKvuIY

joi, 16 februarie 2012

Flat Screen Monitors: A Technological Wonder

Flat Screen Monitors: A Technological Wonder

     You probably are already aware that there are two types of computer monitors available today: the big and clunky cathode-ray (CRT) tube monitors and the newer flat screen monitors. These flat panel monitors have a number of advantages over the older type of computer monitors.

Read more: http://computersight.com/hardware/peripherals/flat-screen-monitors-a-technological-wonder/#ixzz1mYlJBhF6

miercuri, 15 februarie 2012

Back to The Future with Mercedes Benz

Back to The Future with Mercedes Benz

Most would say that the new Mercedes Benz concept would, rather, the nineteenth-century vehicles. In reality, say German builders, new car might be the answer for future automotive industry.
Back to the Future with Mercedes Benz
Read more: http://athingforcars.com/autos/back-to-the-future-with-mercedes-benz/#ixzz1mTpLR6z9

marți, 14 februarie 2012

The First Items of Clothing Created by a 3D Printer: A Swimsuit (Video)

The First Items of Clothing Created by a 3D Printer: A Swimsuit (Video)

It appeared first in the world garment made ​​entirely with a 3D printer. All components suit bathroom N12 are created directly by 3D printing, fixing elements together as possible without having to be sewn. Such garments could be increasingly used in the near future.

The Russians are Working on Building a Laser So Powerful as Hydrogen Bomb

The Russians are Working on Building a Laser So Powerful as Hydrogen Bomb

3D Printer - The Technology to Bring The Second Industrial Revolution

3D Printer - The Technology to Bring The Second Industrial Revolution

The most popular science fiction series in television history, Star Trek has influenced generations of scientists, encouraging them feeding their imagination and passion. Many of the technologies presented during the time the show has become available in recent years, and now scientists are preparing to make a reality the most spectacular of them: the replicator, instrumental Enterprise crew create all the items that need, including food. The world now knows the accelerated development of technology devices that appear to be precursors of fantastic replicator: 3D printers.
3D printer - the technology to bring the second industrial revolution

luni, 13 februarie 2012

Krakatoa: Volcano That Brought Darkness

Krakatoa: Volcano That Brought Darkness

He is the volcano responsible for most casualties in the history known. Disaster of apocalyptic proportions caused by Krakatoa led to thousands of deaths, and one explosion produced the loudest sound on earth about which we know. According to relevant reports of the time, sound colossal eruptions since 1883 and was heard 4800 km away from the point of the explosion and felt terrible shock wave including the kingdom of Romania. Force and devastation of the volcano we are today to ask how people would react to the irresistible force of the great volcanic explosion?
Krakatoa: Volcano that brought darkness

Skyscraper in Dubai After The Sun Revolves

Skyscraper in Dubai After The Sun Revolves

The first building furniture in the world will be built in Dubai, according to plans architects who designed the revolutionary project.
Skyscraper in Dubai after the sun revolves

Valentine Legend, Why Celebrate "Valentine's Day", Who Was Saint Valentine?

Valentine Legend, Why Celebrate "Valentine's Day", Who Was Saint Valentine?

It is said that the Roman Emperor Claudius time the 2nd was a priest named Valentine. He secretly married couples, disagreeing with the law Claudius 2nd that all men never to marry. He was sentenced to death and while he was imprisoned texting all your friends “Remember Valentine” The Valentine’s Day is celebrated by many peoples. Although many say they are commercial interests, I enjoy this holiday very much in love with an opportunity to show their love on this special day on which he had divided.

Read more: http://socyberty.com/holidays/valentine-legend-why-celebrate-valentines-day-who-was-saint-valentine/#ixzz1mHqztZIE

Will Breack The Super - Volcano This Year?

Will Breack The Super - Volcano This Year?

Although there is evidence that supervulcanii erupted several times over the 4.5 billion years of Earth, NASA claims that 2012 will have held such an event.
Va sparge un supervulcan în 2012?
Read more: http://scienceray.com/earth-sciences/will-breack-the-super-volcano-this-year/#ixzz1mHn5BwSo

Skyscrapers Can Prevent Formation of Tornadoes?

Skyscrapers Can Prevent Formation of Tornadoes?

Given the growing number of tornadoes that form due to climate change, inevitable that pseudo-scientific theories that would prevent them from forming. One of these assumptions, which was very useful to audiences overseas, is one that says skyscrapers prevents tornadoes, which is why they are formed, especially in open field. How true is such statement explains Gary Conte, a meteorologist from the National Weather Service in New York.

Fight for Guano - "Oil" of The Nineteenth Century

Fight for Guano - "Oil" of The Nineteenth Century

One of the most important technological revolutions in human history began on few islands located near Peru. Droppings deposited here millions of birds have become the element that was the basis for a revolution in agriculture has allowed mankind to overcome for the first time hunger trap. What were the Incas called "guano" (ie manure) would become one of the most important resources of the nineteenth century, being sought by the great nations of the planet with the same zeal with which oil is game day.
Fight for guano -

Volcanoes That Threatens Europe

Volcanoes That Threatens Europe

Although volcanism is a complex phenomenon, the image that comes to mind most often when in hearing the word volcano is a conical mountain spitting through the top crater, ash, lava and hot rocks. We Europeans look more like volcanic eruptions on an exotic phenomenon: there are active volcanoes in Hawaii, the Philippines, in Indonesia … places apart from this, right? Yes, but there are in Europe, and some are unsettling vivid.
Volcanoes that threatens Europe
Read more: http://scienceray.com/earth-sciences/volcanoes-that-threatens-europe/#ixzz1mHgR0R1d

sâmbătă, 11 februarie 2012

Animals That Takes Us

Animals That Takes Us

I learned all the major animal fibers are wool textile industry and silk, that comes from sheep wool and silk from silkworms. Rarely think that fabrics which have put mankind (and still do) are obtained and the contribution of other species – an unexpectedly large numbers of animals also provide human material for all kinds of fabrics and braids. And among these animals, there are some which may surprise you, for instance, seashells and spiders.

Read more: http://scienceray.com/biology/animals-that-takes-us/#ixzz1m8dBUyTS

Oimeakon - Capital God Frost

Oimeakon - Capital God Frost

In the icy vastness of Siberia is a valley where the royal, for millennia, the worst frosts across the northern hemisphere. However, here we find a tiny village inhabited permanently. People who live there frost from us means a beautiful spring day with all its attributes. Welcome Oimeakon, freeze where even thoughts here!

Mister 400 Million Years Old: Rocks That Should Not be

Mister 400 Million Years Old: Rocks That Should Not be

Giant fossil Prototaxites family, aged 400 million years, is a deep mystery. Elements of these remains is aseamna with tree trunks and date from a time when they did not exist. Values ​​of stable isotopes of carbon in fossil component of this type are similar to those found for fungi, but not have found in these structures. From here, the enigma.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could be Your Answer

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could be Your Answer

Natural herbal remedies are drawing the attention of many traditional medical practitioners to rapidly recognize the ability of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that have the ability to treat and prevent various human and animal illnesses, as well as properties that can enhance mental attitude, appearance, and performance

Ranting and Raving About Renewable Energy

Ranting and Raving About Renewable Energy

Renewable energy is not a new concept. While it may appear to be a rather fashionable topic of conversation in certain circles, renewable energy initiatives have been with us since the dawn of man. There is some debate about the accepted definition of renewable energy, but it can be loosely defined as a form of energy that is essentially inexhaustible. Furthermore, the resource is continually replenished by various natural processes identifiable in the natural world.

sâmbătă, 4 februarie 2012

1816 - The Year Without Summer

1816 - The Year Without Summer

Temperaturi de primăvară sub impresia - sau reamintind, în cel mai bun, de iarnă mediteranean - luna ianuarie a acestui an în Bucureşti, am ajuns la întrebări, astfel încât, în general, schimbările climatice şi de anomalii.

vineri, 3 februarie 2012

InfoNews: Effects of fast food

InfoNews: Effects of fast food: 8 million Romanians suffer, consciously or not, because of extra pounds and 4.5 million of them, classified as obese, almost gave up th...

Effects of fast food

InfoNews: Sugar is as harmful as cigarettes

InfoNews: Sugar is as harmful as cigarettes: Sugar is a poison and its marketing should be regulated like that of cigarettes or alcohol, say scientists. American scholars of the Un...
Sugar is as harmful as cigarettes
