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duminică, 23 octombrie 2011
InfoNews: Top 10 Asian strange weapons used in Martial Arts
Since the metal claws and meteor hammers-sharp blades to antlers and daggers, needles of Emei Mountain, the ancient weapons used in Martial Arts today seem like sophisticated and graceful handicraft ... which in the past, but had one goal. To kill. In the hands of a skilled assassin, even humble Chinese eating sticks can become powerful weapons. It's easy to imagine, then, what results such an individual would get trained, using objects from the outset intended to kill.
10. Ring or wheel
Wheels or rings ranged in size between 30 and 45 inches in diameter, were made of metal and the handle except mat, metal and he was sharp outer edge for the entire duration. Some rings were simple, neornamentate, while others were fitted with spikes of different shapes and sizes, designed to block or reject the arms an opponent, but also increase the potential lethal weapon.
A purely defensive weapon, wheel or ring served to avoiding or parrying an enemy weapons. was still rarely used because it was not easy to hide. Rings were used both in close combat, as well as throwing objects from a distance. All were imported into China from Mongolia during the Yuan Dynasty (1206 - 1368 AD).
9. Emei prods
Emei Mountains daggers, needles are short metal rods, pointed at both ends and divided in half by a ring in two sections of which one is least May longer than the other. They are related to Emei prods for which the two parts have equal lengths. This weapon, as the name suggests, was designed in Emei mountain region . Daggers, needles were originally built as a weapon to fight underwater and were generally used in pairs of two. They were held in each hand, each middle ring ring stuck in the middle of each rod for stability.
Both mild stinging, and injungherea possible with these deadly weapons were unconventional, but very easy to hide when they were linked to forearm or leg. It also prods were used to be thrown adeasea target. They say , these daggers were invented Emei in the Song Dynasty (960 - 1280 AD) to fight under water . In Qing Dynasty, daggers was smart throw, San Xi Chinese province.
8. Tessen (metal fan)
Fans of war, of different shapes and consistent, were used in May especially in Japanese feudal conflicts . Tessen was a fan with outer spokes made of metal, built so that a simple weapon seem harmless fan.
Samurai could wear them with them in places where swords and other weapons were not allowed , and some schools included antremanete handling of the sword that was used as a weapon tessen. This fan was still intended for arrows and parrying Tourney for throwing to keep or even help with swimming.
7. Shuriken (stars)
Shuriken or "hidden sword in hand" is a traditional Japanese concealed weapon, generally used for throwing from a distance and sometimes kill or tear. It is one of the most popular weapon used by Ninja fighters . Shuriken stars are sharp blades with ergonomic shape for handheld can be obtained from a variety of objects such as pins, screws and knives, but also coins, site and other flat items of metal.
In the West, Shuriken are teas as "stars deadly," "throwing stars" and especially "ninja stars".Shuriken has taken many forms over time and issues. The most common models are stars-bat, flat stars and stars wheel. Shuriken weapons were rather more to complete the katana (sword) or Yari (spear) in a warrior's arsenal. shurikenjutsu weapon handling Tourney called and was taught as part of the martial arts curriculum of many famous schools, such as Yagyu Ryu, Katori Shinto Ryu ITTO, Togakure Ryu Ryu Kukishin.
6. San-Jie-Gun (rod with three elements)
San-Jie-Gun or rod in three sections is a historical weapon, mentioned in the pages of the book "Sangokushi", written in the third century AD feature to interconnect the chains dinstincta is ringed on three sticks of wood or metal every 60 -70 inches long each , which gives a trick in scope and much greater flexibility than a rigid rod, long. The weapon is known as "flexible rod dragon" or Japanese "sansetsukon." later nunchaku's complicated, triple rod sticks can be released so exercising an extremely powerful shot, while her joints Besides allowing a shield to hit or defensive block on top of another .
About San-Jie-Gun is said that he would have to start the creative origins of the Temple Master Sanda honan. Although no historical evidence does not prove a popular legend preserved until today proves that weapons had been popularized by Chao Hong-Yin, the first emperor of the Song Dynasty (960 AD) . Confetionat traditionally oak or maple Chinese staff is currently made of Indian cane, bamboo or aluminum. The length of each beat should be approximately equal to the arm of the gun handle, while the diameter varies usually around 3.2 inches.
5. Hammer-meteor
Hammer-meteor, often called simply, "Meteor" is an ancient Chinese weapon consisting of two weights connected by a rope or chain . Flexible weapon and "light" was quickly taken over all the peoples warrior and is called separately by region, the composition and precise purpose. In ancient China there was known as bao sheng, Liu Xing Chui, Chui you, flying hammer or dragon fist. It is part of the vast category of chain weapons.
Hammer-meteor can easily be a weapon of defense or attack, with a flexible structure . The main advantage of using this weapon is the speed of its handling. From this he drew the name because they say that lightning can strike as well as a meteorite . Two capede meteor hammer has a length typical two - three meters, with one object ball at each end. The hammer head is a single version of this weapon similar to the arrow with rope, the main difference being that the first end is a ball about 3 kilograms instead of a spear tip.
4. Nunchaku
Asian nunchaku is a weapon simple but very effective, popularized in the modern era of Bruce Lee .It consists of two elements quite short, but identical sizes and shapes of wood or metal, connected by a metallic rope or a chain c. Nunchaku chinzesc tends to have a rounded shape, while the Japanese one is octagonal. Nunchaku traditionally is made from a hardwood such as oak and flexible. Originally, the wood had sunk in mud and preserved for many years, where absence of oxygen and optimal acidity prevent decay and the final result was a very hard wood.
The thread of connection between the two sticks were generally obtained from horse hair and traditionally it is considered that can not be cut by a sword blow . Finally, wood was filled with sand and lubricated with oil or fat for preservation. According to popular belief, was originally a flail nunkahku short (agricultural tool consists of a stick, articulated by belts with a long tail, which is processed grain or beans to separate pastaioasele) used in threshing rice or peas. It may have been developed as a result of suspension of possession of sharp weapons, under the leadership of Satsuma after invading Okinawa city of the eighteenth century. Peasantry was denied possession of conventional weapons such as arrows or swords, so people have improvised based on what they had available, creating weapons such as nunchaku.
3. Kusarigama (Sickle)
Kusarigama is a traditional Japanese weapon, formed from a small scythe (in Japanese "kama") connected by a metal chain ("manriki") at the end of which is a metal weight .Although kusarigama scythe is a derivative of farmers and although this tool was often used as a weapon during the Japanese feudal period, farmers did not carry with them. Valences of weapon they were obvious, so, unlike a scythe could not obviously be transported.
Art is called kusarigamajutsu kusarigamei handling. According to sources, kusarigama is an appropriate weapon in the fight against attacks by sword or spear . It was very popular in feudal Japan, many martial arts schools teaching them discipline handling, between centuries XII and XVII. According to legend was one of the favorite weapons of the ninja warriors.
2. Tekko-Kagi (claws)
Ninja warriors used to use their claws Tekko-Kagi to defend against sword attacks, allowing them to catch their manuitorilor as a blade and actually pull mengina sword from the hands of attackers . Also, ninja claws used in offensive ways impotrivta opponents with devastating results.
Traditionally composed of aluminum, steel, iron or wooden weapons are considered by historians Tekko martial arts as having its origins when the current followers of Bushido in Okinawa, Japan have started wearing metal horseshoes their horses as a means of self defense against attackers.
1. Uruma (Spring Sword)
Known as "chuttuval" Uruma is a long sword, made of steel, flexible, sharp enough to split the meat, but soft enough that it can be folded in a roll form . It was used both in China and in the region of Kerala in southern India and is one of the schools of martial arts weapons of Kalaripayattu, Varma Kuttu Kala and Varis. Due to the increased flexibility of the blade or multiple blades Uruma,weapon can be stored in a pocket, wrapped around the waist or carried like a belt to be removed and used for striking at any time needed.
Uruma sword blade is long enough to reach the fingers of a hand to the other fingers when arms are stretched horizontally - measuring about 1.2 to 1.7 meters. Uruma has a small handle, wrapped in a cloth or leather, and in modern times is often made of blades of saws used. Unniarcha, one of the heroines of ballads on the north coast of Kerala Malabar, is said to have been adept at handling sword Uruma. The sword was also a weapon often used in duels, with the tip of a sword as usual injungherea was not allowed in such clashes in Southern India.
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- The first European city in a top of the most populated cities in the world is Moscow, with a population estimated at 01.01.2010, at 13.6 million inhabitants. Even so, Moscow would not be the situation than the 17th position.
- The second European city in the number of inhabitants, Istanbul, not deal with the 21 position than the 12.8 million inhabitants.
- Bucharest ranks 200 with a total population in the metropolitan area of about 2.2 million inhabitants.
- No other Romanian city is not listed in one of the top 500 most populated cities in the world.
- Romania's population totals approximately 21.5 million inhabitants.